Poissant et fils funeral home, Saint-Constant
At CHSLD LaPrairie, on July 31, 2024, at the age of 91, passed away Lucien Théroux, of Saint-Constant, husband of Claire Bibeau.
Besides his wife, he leaves to mourn his children Manon (Jean-François), Alain (Natalie and her children), Sylvie (Paul-Émile), Mario (Sylvie) and the late Richard, his grandchildren Annie-Clara (Max), Quentin, his brothers and sisters the late Jeannette (the late Laurentien), the late Rita (the late Léo), the late Carmen (Émile), the late Georges (the late Thérèse), the late René (the late Henriette) and Lisette, his nephews and nieces, as well as many other relatives and friends.
He was entrusted to the Poissant et fils funeral home.
180 rue St-Pierre, Saint-Constant, 450-632-1515
The family will welcome relatives and friends on Sunday September 15, 2024 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for condolences.
Your expressions of sympathy can result in donations to the Alhzeimer Foundation.
Make a donation
- Annie Thibodeau et famille
Nos sincères sympathies à toute la famille de Mario
pour le décès de Mr Théroux . Que cette journée vous remémore les bons moments passés en sa compagnie.
Annie,Gaston,Antony,Alex et Ariane
- Chantal, Éric et famille
Cher Mario, chère Sylvie, nous vous offrons, ainsi qu’à la famille et aux amis, nos sincères condoléances pour la perte du papa de Mario, M. Théroux. Nos pensées vous accompagnent en cette période de deuil.
Éric, Chantal, Antoine, Simon et Olivier
- Nicole Thibodeau et Martine
Chers Mario et Sylvie,
Veuillez accepter nos sincères condoléances à l'occasion du décès du Père de Mario. Également à votre famille.
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If death has occurred, or if you cannot find answers to your questions on our website
Listening to bereaved families, the employees of the funeral complex and the Poissant family offer services according to the personal convictions of each one and they would like to thank the families of the region who have honored them with their trust for all these years and assures them of total dedication, because it is with the greatest respect that our company deals with its customers.