Shirley (née Lacombe) and Maurice
It is with deep sadness that we announce the loss of a beloved couple. Mrs. Shirley Primeau died accidentally on September 29, 2023. Her death occurred a few weeks after that of her spouse, Mr. Maurice Primeau, of whom she took great care with dedication and love until his death on August 24, 2023.
They are survived by their sons Maurice (Rachel) and Mike (Donna), their grandchildren Ryan, Christina, Jérémie, Mark and Rébecca, their great-grandchildren Eleanor, William, Lia, Zackary, Olivia, Axel, Rhiannon and Ariane, their brothers and sisters, their brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, their nephews and nieces as well as many other relatives and friends.
They were entrusted to the Poissant et fils funeral home.
The family has planned a meeting in memory of Shirley and Maurice which will take place on Sunday, November 12 starting at 12 p.m. at the community hall of Domaine Val Boisé located at 665 Montée Monette in St-Mathieu.
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- André Côté
Mes sincères sympathies particulièrement a Mike et Maurice. Bon courage a tous.
- Aurèla et Clément Bisaillon
Toutes nos sympathies a toute la famille,Bon courage a vous tous,c'est toute une perte.R.I.P.
- Claire Plamondon
J’offre mes plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille. Je me rappelle d’eux comme des gens très aimants. Que votre peine s’estompe avec le temps.
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Listening to bereaved families, the employees of the funeral complex and the Poissant family offer services according to the personal convictions of each one and they would like to thank the families of the region who have honored them with their trust for all these years and assures them of total dedication, because it is with the greatest respect that our company deals with its customers.