At his home, on February 24th, 2023 at the age of 56 years passed away Mr. Bronislaw Popiela.
He leaves behind his parents Michalina and Wladysław, his brother Aleksander, his sister-in-law Barbara, his nephew Kamil and niece Patrycja as well as his ex-wife Monika.
According to his wishes, he will join his family in Poland for his funeral service.
Funeral Home Poissant & Fils Ltée
Tél. : 450-632-1515
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- Denys
Toutes mes condoléances àla famille de Bronislaw. C'était toujours un plaisir de le rencontrer et de discuter avec lui.
- Robert Marquis
Sincères condoléances à toute la famille de Bronislaw, dont je garde le souvenir d’un homme bon et souriant.
- Serge Perreault
J'offre mes sincères condoléances à la famille et aux amis de Bronislaw. J'ai eu le plaisir de cotoyer Bronislaw dans le cadre de mon travail lorsque j'étais chez SOQUEM.
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Listening to bereaved families, the employees of the funeral complex and the Poissant family offer services according to the personal convictions of each one and they would like to thank the families of the region who have honored them with their trust for all these years and assures them of total dedication, because it is with the greatest respect that our company deals with its customers.