Saint-Rémi branch
Saint-Rémi branch
From Saint-Rémi, on March 8th, 2023, at the age of 87, passed away Mrs. Pierrette Limoges, wife of the late Gérard Millette.
She is survived by her children Line (Jean), Claude, François (Sylvie) and Alain (Mélanie), her grandchildren Marc, Sébastien, Audrey, Maude and Mylène, her great-grandchildren Liam, Kayde and Ophelia, as well as many other relatives and friends.
Resting at Poissant et Fils Funeral Home,
58 rue Perras, Saint-Remi J0L 2L0
Tel. : 450-632-1515
The family will welcome relatives and friends there on Saturday March 25th, 2023, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., followed by a ceremony at 4 p.m. at the same place.
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- Chantal Couillard
Sympathies à mes filles Maude et Mylène ainsi qu'à leur père et sa famille. En ce jour triste aujourd'hui, je suis avec vous de tout coeur.
- Nathalie
Chers cousins et cousine, malheureusement nous ne pouvons être présent, mais sachez que nous sommes avec vous en pensée durant ces moments difficiles. Nos sincères condoléances.
Nathalie, John et Alex xxx
- Michel Auger
Mes sincères sympathies a la famille.
Désolé de ne pas être avec vous. Je pense et je suis la parmis vous. Vous êtes dans mes pensées.
Michel Auger
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Listening to bereaved families, the employees of the funeral complex and the Poissant family offer services according to the personal convictions of each one and they would like to thank the families of the region who have honored them with their trust for all these years and assures them of total dedication, because it is with the greatest respect that our company deals with its customers.