Avis de décès
Joyce (nee Mitchell)
Poissant and Deer parlor
Poissant and Deer parlor
It is with great sadness that the Rice Family announces the passing of our beloved Matriach, Gram. She passed away peacefully at her home in Kahnawake with her family by her side, on October 10, 2023, at the age eighty-seven years. She is pre-deceased by her husband, the late Angus Joseph Rice.
She is survived by her Children: Lynn, Sharon (Nipper), Ryan (Ronen) and Aaron, Grandchildren: Jeremy, Hayley, Jesse, Lewis Jr, Lindsay, Jillian, Kahonwase, Kahentiio and Thorahkwaneken, Great-Grandchildren: Thahawitha, Roan, Cassidy, Lyla, Teiewentsarihtha, Charley, Wylie, Emmy-Lou, Tekaronhiakhasions, Ruby, Tierahkwenhas, Destiny, Tsehshewes, Awenhón:ni and Riana’ón:we, Aunties: Rita and Rosie, many nieces and nephews.
Resting at Poissant & Deer Funeral Home Kahnawake
The Family is receiving relatives and friends beginning Sunday October 15th from 5pm.
The Funeral service will be held Monday October 16th at 3pm in the parlor, interment at the Kateri Cemetery.
Donations in her memory can be made to: Karihwanoron Mohawk Immersion School.
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Dear Rice Family
I had the most beautiful vivid dream of your Gram last night. We were holding each other’s hands and looking deep into each other’s eyes Your Gram’s eyes were sparkling and full of life.
I told your Gram that she was the most beautiful and caring Mother and Grandmother that I knew.
Her warm delicate hands comforted my heart; we both cried knowing we would no longer see each other in this world.
Visits to Gram’s house were always welcomed with open arms, patience,laughter and her delicious spaghetti
I will,forever,everyday, have gratitude for having experienced such a beautiful and caring soul in my life. Namaste
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